Saturday, 5 December 2020


It is amazing to see the amount of ignorance people, especially those in power, have these days, despite the number of scientific advancements and knowledge base we have. Recent decision of the government to allow Ayurvedic doctors to perform several surgeries is beyond comprehension. Or it is perhaps the cunningness of the bigwigs to mislead the ignorant public. Or may be a bit of both.

Ayurveda is an excellent system of holistic healthcare. We have deviated considerably from the original thoughts and processes expounded by Sages Charaka and Sushruta. Majority of the Ayurvedic care we have these days is modified to present day situation. If you wish to know more about Ayurveda in its pristine form, please read “Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom” by Acharya Shunya, available on Amazon Kindle.

Ayurveda can be followed by anyone who has the inclination. Ideally everyone should be encouraged to follow it, as it is an excellent way to maintain the body and prevent disease. It requires considerable amount of discipline and restraint. It involves following a rigorous daily routine and certain simple practices. It emphasises a lot on what to eat, when to eat and how to eat. The results are not immediately apparent. It takes some time for the body to readjust and manifest the good effects.

Our present-day psyche wants quick results. Both doctors and public alike have gotten into the mindset that some external manipulation in the form of a medicine (tablet or injection) or procedure/surgery is required to restore health. We made ourselves oblivious to the enormous repair and regenerative capacity our body is endowed with naturally.

This natural healing capacity is indeed the reason for some of the alternative therapies to become popular. They are cheap compared to Allopathy and are considered to be “safe”. Whoever uses these alternative therapies have faith in them. It is the mostly the “placebo” effect and the natural healing that is the reason for improvement. As mentioned in the previous posts, majority of the ailments are due to our lifestyle choices and can be corrected by simple lifestyle changes.

Majority of the countries have discarded Homeopathy as it has not been proven to be of use in scientific studies. A 2015 comprehensive assessment of evidence by the Australian government’s National Health and Medical Research Council concluded that there is no reliable evidence that homeopathy is effective for any health condition. Please see the views of National Centre for Complimentary and Integrative Health:

Once the disease manifests fully in the form of a major structural abnormality, it requires surgery. This usually cannot be cured by body’s natural intelligence. In this situation, alternative therapies have a role only as complimentary therapies and not as mainstay of treatment.

Instead of improving the health education, healthcare facilities and promoting research into the usefulness or futility of medical systems, our government’s decision to bridge the gap by quick fix solutions is not good. As mentioned in previous posts, major chunk of the cost of modern medicine is in setting up the facility, equipment, and maintenance. Simply by creating “doctors” and “surgeons” through back door will not solve the existing problems. It simply will create more problems, confusion, and add to the woes of all concerned.

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