Thursday, 1 October 2020

Dynamics of disease

Our body (any organism in nature) has inherent capacity to adjust any deviations arising from within or without. This is called homeostasis or maintaining the balance. The body has enormous capacity to repair itself. When this mechanism is transgressed or not sufficient, disease manifests in the body. The diseases may be congenital or acquired. Acquired diseases could be due to infections, injury, degeneration due to age and cancer.

For any disease process there are three main considerations that will affect the outcome of that illness. First is the nature and severity of the disease process, second is host factors and finally, treatment given. Disease process is trying to pull the body down. The other two are to support the body and win over the disease. When the host factors and optimal treatment take upper hand, the disease will be cured. Otherwise, the disease will take over the patient.

Infections are caused by a variety of microorganisms or parasites. Not all microorganisms are dangerous. We harbor a variety of bacteria in our body called commensal bacteria which are helpful for normal body functioning. Loss of normal bacteria in our body due to excessive usage of antibiotics and disinfectants can lead to imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria. The body has capacity to identify normal microorganisms from harmful agents and take remedial action. Whenever it identifies a hostile virus, bacteria or fungus, it immediately tries to mop it up and protect the body against the invading microorganisms. Memory is built into the immune system that it can react much faster and more efficiently if it encounters the same organism again later. As we are witnessing right now, if the microorganism is virulent (meaning strong) and new, it becomes difficult to control it.

Similar mechanisms help fight the cancer in the early phases. Formation of new cells and destruction of aged cells is a continuous process in the body. You can see this clearly in the skin with old superficial layers of skin peeling off and new skin growing. The same process happens in many areas in the body. Without our knowledge, whenever the cells replicate in the body, we all tend to produce abnormal cells. Some of these may become cancer cells and lead to cancer. Body has the capacity to identify the abnormal cells and remove them as and when they form. Only when this mechanism fails for a variety of reasons, some of these cells manifest as cancers.

The body continuously tries to repair itself as needed. Despite this, some wear and tear is part of aging process. When the wear and tear is more in a particular body area diseases manifest. One example is the joints getting worn off the cartilage and leading to arthritis. This could be due to excessive weight or improper posture which gives more strain to the joint, leading to enhanced wearing off.

The host factors are age, body weight, smoking, alcohol and any existing diseases like diabetes. Diabetics are more prone to infections due to the effects of diabetes on the body. Another host factor is the medicines one is taking. Even though we give medicines to cure disease, every medicine has some side effects. These may sometimes interfere with some of the treatments.

The final thing in the equation is the treatment. It is important to give appropriate treatment at the appropriate time. The balance will tilt in favor of the patient only when host factors and treatment factors take upper hand. Hope that your doctor gives you the correct treatment at correct time and gets you out of trouble.

In this balance as you can understand, if disease factor is low and host factor is strong, you may not even develop disease or may have a minor illness which does not require any treatment. When the disease factor is strong and host factor is weak, treatment is required. The amount of treatment depends on the level of imbalance in the first two factors. If the imbalance is more, increasing treatment will be required. When the body does not have some resistance capacity and reserve, even the best doctors and treatment is of no use. Try to improve the host factors which in your control. Improve the chances of successful outcome by trying to stay fit with regular exercise, avoiding substance abuse, not being overweight, taking care of any existing diseases well and keeping the mind positive…

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